תכנית המתנדבים

רוצה להתנדב בחקלאות?
מטרת התכנית היא לספק תוצרת חקלאית וארוחות בריאות לקהילות הזקוקות לסיוע באמצעות קהילת מתנדבים המעוניינים לתרום ובמקביל ללמוד את מקצועות החקלאות המתקדמת בעיר.
הפעילות מתקיימת באחד מאתרי החקלאות של החברה לחקלאות עירונית ומתאימה לכל מי שרוצה להגיע באופן קבוע או חד פעמי ולעזור בהקמה ותפעול המרכזים החקלאיים. לדוגמה: עזרה בהקמה של מתחם חקלאי בבית ספר לילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים, גידול תוצרת חקלאית באחד ממרכזי החקלאות בתל אביב לטובת מיעוטי יכול ובישול ארוחות בריאות מהתוצרת שגדלה לטובת קשישים ניצולי שואה.
אין צורך בידע מקדים - אנחנו נדאג ללמד אותך את כל הידע הדרוש :)
כל שעליך לעשות הוא להשאיר פרטים, ואנו נבנה את התכנית המתאימה ביותר וניצור קשר לתיאום תחילת ההתנדבות.
תכנית המתמחים
מזהה את הפוטנציאל העצום בתחום החקלאות העירונית ורוצה להצטרף למהפכה, באמצעות שילוב היכולות וההשכלה שלך? תוכנית המתמחים שלנו היא הזדמנות נהדרת עבורך!
התוכנית מיועדת למעוניינים לעסוק באחד ממקצועות החקלאות העירונית. הלמידה נעשית דרך לקיחת חלק פעיל בארגון, תוך שילוב הכישורים שלך.
התוכנית מחייבת במינימום 6 שעות עבודה שבועיות במשך לפחות 3 חודשים, בהם מכירים את המקצועות והנפשות הפועלות בתחום. תקופת ההתמחות כוללת הכשרה ופגישה שבועית עם מנחה אישי מטעם החבר"ל.
בתמורה לכך, תתרמו מניסיונכם האישי, מכישוריכם והשכלתכם, לטובת קידום תחום החקלאות העירונית בישראל.
* התכנית היא ללא עלות אך היא דורשת מחוייבות מטעם המתמחה.
כל שעליכם לעשות הוא להשאיר את פרטיכם, ואנו ניצור איתכם קשר לתיאום תחילת ההתמחות.

למה כדאי להתנדב/להתמחות אצלנו?
תרמו גם לכלל האוכלוסיה וגם למעגליכם האישיים
כחלק מהובלת השינוי, אתם תורמים גם לסביבה כולה, אך גם למעגליכם הקרובים - אתם מייצרים עבורם עתיד טוב יותר!
אפשרויות להתקדמות והצטרפות לעמותה
הארגון בתהליכי צמיחה. הצטרפו כבר עכשיו ותוכלו לגדול איתנו, ואף להצטרף באופן קבוע למשפחה
רכשו ניסיון מקצועי בתחום החקלאות העירונית
הצטרפו אלינו ותוך כדי תרומה למהפכה תוכלו ללמוד את רזי תחום החקלאות, אשר תוכלו ליישם אפילו בגינה שלכם!
הצטרפו למהפכה שתשפיע על העולם
המהפכה החקלאית החדשה כבר מתחילה להראות את ניצניה, בואו לקחת חלק אמיתי ביצירת השינוי!
What is Productive Urban Farming?Following the definition of "urban agriculture," and "manufacturer," it refers to the method of producing local agricultural on a large scale, while taking into account existing values - addressing environmental challenges, public participation, fostering community awareness and providing diverse sources of employment. The model is based on advanced production technologies with economic feasibility that exceeds conventional agriculture, which is far from population centers. In contrast, urban productive agriculture is exposed to the eyes of the city's residents as an inseparable part of the urban landscape, thus helping to lead a conceptual change in the fields of education, health and culture.
What is Urban Agriculture?Simply put, Urban Agriculture is growing or producing food in a densely populated urban area. One of the main goals of the company is to bring the food closer to the consumer.
How does this relate to hydroponics?It was found that hydroponics is the optimal technology for growing agricultural produce in the city. It is based on a gentle and continuous flow of water in a closed system, thus enabling the maximization of maximum quantities of agricultural produce with minimal resources and quality control of the highest products in the world. The system includes a system that can be used to grow detached products from the ground, without using the soil at all, reducing up to 60% of fertilizer materials and without the need for toxic chemical pesticides (100% reduction in pesticides).
What problems does Urban Agriculture solve?According to the reports of international food organizations, in the coming decades there is a global food crisis expected due to the ineffectiveness of the global agricultural system, which is over-exploiting natural resources to support the exponential growth rate of the world population. One of the most significant solutions currently offered to the problem is the localization of food growth. Hence, productive urban agriculture is the appropriate solution to the problem presented as a process that saves waste of food. In addition, it contributes to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, saves pollution and transport costs, reduces the cost of fresh food, and enables access to food with longer-term nutritional values. Alongside all the health and environmental benefits, the urban agriculture model is based on significant social change resulting from changes in food consumption habits and the training of citizens to grow their own food using existing technologies that will help them advance to a sustainable lifestyle. The Association for Urban Farming was founded out of this vision that believes that urban agriculture is a tool to strengthen weakened communities.
Which method is most effective for Fourier urban agriculture ?The technological innovation underlying the productive urban agriculture is the substrate technique, which is detached from the soil and allows the cultivation and processing of local agricultural produce within the urban area without seasonal dependence on the weather. This technology enables maximum utilization of untapped areas in the city, such as growing food on roofs or on the walls of existing buildings.
What plants can be grown in a hydroponic system?Everything! Literally. From herbs, trees and even cacti. Of course, one must consider the size and type of system in which plants are grown and adapted to the size and type of plants. This is in order to allow the plants the optimal environment for growth and adaptation to different weight and height.
What conditions do hydroponic plants need?All plants need the same conditions: sun, air, water and food. Therefore, there is no difference between crops grown in hydroponic systems and from ones in the soil, since both types of crops need exactly the same four conditions described above. In thick soil they provide the plants with the conditions in a certain way - the soil is like a sponge with nutrients to the plant. In contrast, in a hydrophilic system, the growth medium is water-soluble or moisturizing, and nutrients should be added. Today, in conventional agriculture, the crops and the nutrients are fed artificially.
Do I need to transfer the crops to the soil at some point?No, that's not necessary. The soil serves as a growth medium, just as water is a growth medium in hydroponic systems. For the most part, the plants in the hydroponic systems receive better, more precise and readily available conditions than plants in the soil, so the passage to the soil may harm them.
What are the advantages of hydroponic agriculture versus conventional?First, when dealing with productive urban agriculture and want to grow on the roofs of houses and buildings, the weight of the soil facilities carrying the plants will challenge the urban farmers. Growing on water in hollow, lightweight systems instead of in the ground is the solution available to this difficulty. Another advantage is the saving of water. A hydroponic system enables the use of minimal water, and because it is a closed system, it saves up to 99% of the water needed for conventional agriculture. The other benefits relate to aspects of the plants themselves; The plants in the hydroponics system are fed by a food solution that is transferred by automatic and precise control according to the plants' requirements. In other words, in a simple and easy way, it is possible to know at any given moment the temperature of the growth medium, the amount of minerals and vitamins and the degree of acidity of the water. According to the data obtained, create the most optimal conditions for the plants. The precise "communication" with the plants through the hydroponic system produces stronger and more tasty crops. The strong plants successfully cope with various pests that fail to weaken the plants, so there is no need for pesticides
Are the hydroponic crops considered organic?The definition of organic food refers to the use of pesticides and fertilizers that meet certain standards. A farmer who meets these conditions receives approval that his crops are organic. Hydroponic systems can be grown organically, and can be grown inorganic form.
Is urban produce considered more expensive than supermarket produce?The answer to this question obviously depends on which company is buying the urban produce. We believe that it is possible to supply urban agricultural produce which is significantly cheaper than the prices we pay in the supermarket for products of the same quality.
Do we must buy a hydroponic system or is there another option?Today, most of the hydroponic systems available in the Israeli market are simple systems for understanding their structure and can be assembled alone at home. You can use existing parts, and you can also design a system of simpler materials available in every home and street. Hydroponic technique should be the same, but the system itself is completely flexible structure and materials that make up. Therefore, there is no need and it is not necessary to buy a complete hydroponic system.
I want to grow at home, how do I start?"First of all, it's a great idea! The first step is to simply surf the web. There are many sites that upload training videos and information on how to grow plants in a hydroponic system. You can search by a certain type of system and crops, and thus learn what conditions each plant needs and how to provide it. If you prefer to grow plants in the soil, look for videos that are suitable for this growing, from planting to maintenance. if you did not get along, please contact us and we'll guide you. In addition to the extensive information on the various sites, including the site of the company for urban agriculture, you are invited to come to one of our workshops and lectures in order to deepen the knowledge in the field.
We are a family of 5 people. What kind of hydroponic system will suit us?Each family consumes food in form, composition and in a different quantity - roots, spices, green vegetables, fruits, etc. Therefore, first define the type and amount of food consumed at home. Once we understand the nature of the consumption, it will be possible to predict the required quantity and type of food. So we can best match the system to the needs of that family.
I have a community garden in the neighborhood, can you help me with that?"Our website has a lot of information about community gardens and how to do it yourself. Beyond that, you are always welcome to consult with us. Send us an email with your details and we will be happy to help in any way we can.
Do you do private workshops?Yes, we do workshops, lectures, tours, courses and activities related to food growing, urban agriculture, and hydroponics within the city. You can customize the content for all audiences. Tell us what you imagined and we will organize the most appropriate activity for you.